Month January 2019

Do Hamsters Have Tails?

Do Hamsters Have Tails?

When looking at your pet, you may wonder if hamsters have tails. After all, they don’t have a long tail that wags when they’re happy to see you. But just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it’s not there.…

Do Hamsters Blink?

Do Hamsters Blink?

When you spend quality time together with your hamster, you don’t see them blink that much, if at all. Why is that? Is there something wrong with your hammy or do all hamsters not blink? Hamsters do indeed blink, but…

Do Hamsters Get Periods?

Do Hamsters Get Periods?

As a woman who has a menstrual cycle or period each month, you may wonder if your hamster goes through the same. After all, they’re a mammal, too, right? If you want to know the answer to this question, whether…

The 9 Best Hamster Water Bottles

The 9 Best Hamster Water Bottles

Providing your hamster with a consistent source of freshwater is a vital part of being a hamster owner. Your favorite furry friend can suffer from dehydration without it, which can cause all sorts of issues. With this in mind, it…

Why Does my Hamster Try to Escape?

Cute white hamster climbing out of its cage

All hamster owners worry about their furry friend escaping from the safety of their cage. It can be especially worrisome when the hamster seems quite intent on doing exactly that. What drives hamsters to try and escape the comforts of…

What is a Teddy Bear Hamster?

Adorable Teddy Bear Hamster playing with a roll of yarn

Looking online there are so many different types of hamsters available in the US. Teddy bear hamsters seem to be the most popular. There are many different websites dedicated to this type of hamster, so what exactly is a teddy…